Wojtek is passionate about photography and everything related to it - especially equipment and technology. After moving to New York in 2014, he began specializing in cityscape and architectural photography, but kept on pursuing inspiration in anything that gripped him. His works have won honorable mentions in photography contests and have been published in photography magazines. In 2019, he focused his business on creating large-format photographs for interior decoration and opened an online gallery of his works.
“While creating photographs, I usually aim to depict extaodinary settings during unique and often unrepeatable moments, involving the play of light in its infinite spectrum of forms. I try to capture the image I experience in the frame in such a way as to give the viewer the impression of being physically present in the place. The images are then digitally edited in my own style, with the extraction of the maximum amount of natural features from the image. During long spontaneous walks with the camera, I also look for details that catch my attention, but usually remain unnoticed by passers-by.
No less important to me is the process of developing and printing a photograph,
because only after the image is transferred to a tangible medium can it truly become a complete work of art. In this dimension, I lean towards the traditional form of the discipline. A photograph displayed on a monitor screen and a printed photograph are like two completely different, incomparable phenomena.”
More information about our crafting process:
“While working with the camera and later in front of the screens, I'm striving to realize the vision using the techniques I have mastered over the years, both independently in practice - by trial and error, but also being influenced by reading numerous books by renowned authors, as well as drawing experience directly from world-famous masters. Constantly improved techniques allow me to bring out the full essence of the beauty of a moment, while preserving its authenticity. By applying advanced and meticulous graphic editing, which usually takes many hours per each photograph, I try to highlight the salient features of the image, but I do not cross the boundaries set by its naturality. One of the assumptions of my style is a faithful representation (but not reproduction!) of the reality, so I never introduce artificial elements into the image, such as a sky replacement, or so-called “creativite” elements generated by the artificial intelligence. Each of my photographs has its own original identity, and is not a result of mass production. This also applies to the other stages of completing a work of art, therefore each copy intended for the client undergoes individual rigorous quality control.”
"What undoubtedly intrigues me is the exploration of the hidden, poorly known and overlooked nooks and crannies of cities, but much more frequently I return to popular, even “postcard” types of places, trying to present my own interpretation of them. Usually, they contain some special element to which they owe their fame. It seems that nowadays, especially in cityscape photography, novelty often comes down to original forms of presenting what has been already shown many times.
For years, I have been invariably photographing panoramas of major cities, mostly during sunrises, sunsets and during the blue hour. This brief period following dusk, when the sky is still reflecting the remnants of sun rays and the lights are coming on in the buildings, is in my opinion the best time to capture the energy and the beauty of the city and its details.”
“Since 2019 my photographs have been consistently winning awards in prestigious photography contests, such as: International Photography Awards, Monochrome Awards or Architecture Masterprize. Thanks to the first honorable mention awarded to the photograph titled: “Moody Sky over Downtown Manhattan” (presented above) and attendance at the annual awards gala at the Carnegie Hall in New York, as well as through collaborations with Getty Images agency, publications in: Digital Camera Magazine (UK), PhotoVogue Italia, or Fotopolis.pl, followed by the interviews for newspapers in Poland and the United States, my photographs began gaining international recognition. I am also a member of the Professional Photographers of America, an organization of photographers in the United States and Canada, representing their business.”
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