Setting with the Sun

    1. Fotografia wyróżniona w konkursie IPA 2021
    2. Wykonana w Nowym Jorku z helikoptera
    3. Archiwalny wydruk w standardzie muzealnym
    4. Dostępny w wersjach: Platinum i Diamond
    5. Edycja limitowana :10 egzemplarzy
    6. Dostępna wysyłka międzynarodowa

Kolekcje: Miasto

Kategoria: aerial, architecture, new york, sunset

Typ: Nieznany typ

The Story

This is a series of images presenting New York City from the air, as photographed from a helicopter. It was an exceptional experience itself to fly above the greatest city in the world, approaching its landmarks at a high altitude while sitting in the aircraft with the door open. As a photographer, however, I had a very concrete task to accomplish and there was no time for enjoying the views. Photographing from a helicopter is spontaneous. I took a few flights and probably never shot anything I had actually planned before. Up in the air everything happens incredibly quickly. This requires focus, making instant decisions and controlling camera parameters, as the light changes along with perspective and the sun setting.

You may encounter some of my aerial photographs amongst Microsoft Windows wallpapers, in Forbes Magazine and in commercial campaigns all over the world. Printed artworks are in possession of private collectors in the United States, the United Kingdom and Poland.

Location: New York