East River Traffic

    1. Fotografia wykonana w Nowym Jorku
    2. Archiwalny wydruk w standardzie muzealnym
    3. Dostępny w wersjach: Platinum i Diamond
    4. Edycja limitowana
    5. Dostępna wysyłka międzynarodowa

Kolekcje: Miasto

Kategoria: architecture, bridge, brooklyn bridge, new york, sunset

Typ: Nieznany typ

The Story

I finally got again to my favorite spot on Manhattan Bridge. The sunset was announcing itself quite spectacularly, which one could tell by looking at the sky. It's every landscape photographer's nightmare to commute to a desired place and leave disappointed when there was nothing worth witnessing and photographing. This is the story of hundreds of photographs I didn't make, because I had a vision which couldn't be realized in natural conditions. It requires mentioning that I abstain from using artificial editing methods in postproduction.

Location: Manhattan Bridge, New York